OUR FIRST-EVER SALE! 25% OFF ALL RUGS + 50% OFF AFRICAN ART (discounts applied at checkout)

Kid Friendly Collections

your house is a joy, but it can pose a challenge when you are a collector of fine artifacts and textiles. Having learned...

Allise’s “Pro Tip”

As an interior designer who appreciates the beauty of both modern and historic architecture, I always try to treat each area of a space as if it were a city...

Iran, Looking Back

When we planned our second Field Note From Iran, we had no idea how significant our trip would seem this soon in retrospect. In Iran, we felt completely safe...

Persian Immersion

Last November, Molly and Margit traveled to Iran to experience the context and creation of Gabbehs. Our impressions were countless, and this is the...

Soulful Gabbehs

Visiting Istanbul for Turkish Rug Week in early October offered me incredible insight into the rug industry today. With representatives from countries as diverse as...

Istanbul Carpet Week

Guests at Istanbul Carpet Week, October 6-9, 2016, included international experts, designers and dealers, like me. The mission was to draw...

The Big Apple

We relish the relaxed quality of island living, but the buzz of New York City is always a welcome change. This September we had the opportunity to visit...

On Island Time

Most of the time we travel to far flung corners of the earth for Archeo, but occasionally we get to stay close to home. On a recent trip, we went...

Berber Rugs

A love of any particular art form connects you to others who share it. So from the moment I met Ishmail and Soufiane, who are brothers and rug...


Marrakech, Morocco, can only be described in multi-dimensions. Every moment commands all of the senses at once, working to process what’s happening...

Archeo's Sister Store

It’s been weeks since I’ve written. But I have a good excuse. I’ve been busy opening a second store! Archeo will always be my first love. We continue...

Holiday to Harmony

We finally took down our Christmas tree. It opened up such a nice clean space in the room that we kept going. We took the towering bookstacks off...