Think about your home. What does it mean to you? Is it the place where you store your things? Or is it the sanctuary that replenishes you every time you walk in?
My house is a sanctuary. Every piece in it has been chosen with careful consideration….which means I have a collection of treasures with meaning. The best pieces in my collection delight me in multiple senses.
The runner in my hallway is a gabbeh. It is drenched in watery colors of blue and green. In the morning when I step on it, I sometimes close my eyes and feel the soft wool under my feet. On a humid day, the welcoming fragrance of lanolin drifts up from it. It’s just one tiny little treat that I enjoy daily.
My coffee table is a commanding old piece from Java. The wood is scratched from years of holding gifts and candles and, I admit, from us putting our feet on it. The teak is worn smooth on the edges and it creaks confidently when I put a big stack of books on it. It’s sturdy and reassuring.
It doesn’t matter if you live in a mansion or a room. Your space should be your haven. Each piece you add should be homage to your unique self. Would an angel from a temple remind you of how divine you are? Would a silk rug under your feet make you think of royalty? Would a handsome old armoire symbolize solidity (while it stoicly hides your collection of concert tees)?
Think about your home – we always do.