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When I was in Hong Kong, I studied Feng Shui. In India I learned about Wastu. Now I am in Japan and I am immersed in Wabi Sabi.

Seeing the Japanese penchance for systems, Wabi Sabi seems almost counterintuitive. Or maybe it is because of the endless order of Japanese life that Wabi Sabi is embraced.

Wabi sabi refers to that which is imperfect. But imperfect in a way that makes it even more wonderful. A ceramic cup that is off center, a chair that has been used for centuries. a textile that shows wear.

Wabi Sabi brings humanness to the spare order that pervades this country. It offers a warmth of usability and hints at the past life of an object.

In our home, a Dogon ladder stands proudly after decades of wear. Indian textiles, worn threadbare grace a Chinese armoire whose paint eroded many lifetimes ago. Which objects in your home greet you with this familiarity?

While the pieces in the Archeo collection come from continents far from here, from cultures very different from this one, each and every piece holds at its core the essence of Japanese wabi sabi.